Information (Title)

Information Section

20 - 24 Mar 23 – The Colloquium 1 for the Course Participants (CP) of the MAFDC Course Serial 43/2023 was being held at the Bangi Resort Hotel, Bangi. The objective of the RP Colloquium 1 is to ensure that the CP are on the right direction in completing their RP.

All 70 CP presented their proposed RP with the presence of their respective supervisors. The RP colloquium panel which was led by the Commandant himself allowed the CP to present their proposed RP with the 10 minutes PowerPoint Presentation and followed by the 10 minutes Question and Answer session.

It was observed that, all CP were putting their highest commitment and effort to come out with an outstanding RP at the end of the course. It is believed that with proper guidance from the supervisors, they can produce an outstanding RP.

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